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Jinqiao Education Group and Agricultural Bank of China International signed a strategic agreement on overseas financing
Release time:2019/4/20     Browse times:3202

On the morning of April 19, the Hunan-Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau Dawan Investment and Trade Negotiation Week "Hunan Enterprises'Overseas Financing Docking Meeting" was grandly held in Hong Kong Haiyi Junchuo Hotel. Hunan Jinqiao Education and Investment Management Co., Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Hong Kong Agricultural Bank International at the meeting.

It is reported that the event was sponsored by the Hunan Provincial Government, hosted by the Hunan Provincial Financial Supervision and Administration, and co-sponsored by Guotai Junan International and Deloitte China. He Baoxiang, Vice Governor of Hunan Province, Chen Haolian, Deputy Director of Hong Kong Financial Affairs and Treasury Bureau, Zhang Shiping, Director of Hunan Provincial Local Financial Supervision and Administration, and more than ten financial intermediaries, such as Guotai Junan International, Agricultural Bank International, and some planned listed enterprises of Hunan Province, attended the meeting.

At the meeting, Vice Governor He Baoxiang of Hunan Province first delivered a speech to give a brief introduction to the proposed overseas financing enterprises of Hunan Province and the overseas situation of the whole province; Vice-Director Chen Haolian of Hong Kong Financial Affairs and Finance Bureau subsequently delivered a speech expressing his full support for the overseas financing of Hunan enterprises; Director Zhang Shiping of Hunan Provincial Financial Supervision and Administration introduced Hunan Finance and the proposed financing projects.

The highlight of the meeting was that enterprises with initial overseas financing conditions in Hunan Province held strategic signing ceremonies with Hong Kong financial institutions. Hunan Jinqiao Education Investment Management Co., Ltd. became one of the first round of overseas financing signing enterprises in Hunan Province. Ms. Liu Chaohui, Vice Chairman and President of Jinqiao Group, signed a strategic cooperation agreement on overseas financing between Jinqiao Education Group and Agricultural Bank International on behalf of Jinqiao Education Group, which marked the beginning of the overseas financing work of Jinqiao Education Group.

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